Educating the public, non-JWs, will help prevent people from joining and bring awkward questions toward JWs in the workplace.
Nobody thinks the Borg is going to change its policies.
so does this mean aawa is going to stop shunning?
are they themselves not guilty of shunning those who shun?
shunning can never be stopped no matter how bad you want it to.
Educating the public, non-JWs, will help prevent people from joining and bring awkward questions toward JWs in the workplace.
Nobody thinks the Borg is going to change its policies.
There is a social group, a meme group, and an activist group. Did you post it in the meme group or in one of the "wrong" places?
You're right, nicolau. Some people *are* stupid.
Oops. Was that patronising?
The same sort of cognitive dissonance that cults use to hook people is also what gets people out. It is just that the cognitive dissonance that gets you in is wielded by a controlling source but the dissonance that gets you out is either from within yourself or from someone teaching you how to think, act, or feel freely (which causes dissonance with your cultish beliefs).
please feel free to explain the control mechanisms of the watchtower society.
thank you!.
Brief explanation of FOG here:
I also like Steve Hassan's BITE formula for mind control. It's a modern take on Robert Lifton's work.
Behavior control
Information control
Thought control
Emotion control
Controllers harp on one or more of these to create cognitive dissonance in the victim, who then will change the other three (or two or whatever) so that all four are in harmony. Creating cognitive dissonance can also be used to break the control in much the same way.
i've been contemplating a list of works of fiction that should be read by every young jehovah's witness, (12 - 18 years old).
the goal is to plant seeds of truth and critical thinking skills which could ultimately invoking cognitive dissonance and help them wake up to the truth about "the truth" (ttatt).
my idea is an adaptation of steven hassan's approach of not attacking a cult members beliefs directly, but rather indirectly by getting them to look at other similar belief systems and social structures, in this case fictional ones that mirror many of the destructive, oppressive features of jehovah's witnesses.
The Magic of Reality - Richard Dawkins
i'm surprised there wasn't a thread on this already... so i' guess i'll start it.. new series on discovery channel .. " hidden in america" first episode.
" doomsday cults" ... it aired about a month ago, did anyone else see it?
I think it's hilarious how the JWs think they're so well-known in the USA and around the world. Since I left I've had to explain so much to so many people who have NO CLUE about the WT or JWs despite their "global witnessing work." Hidden in America, indeed. LOL.
the text i used in my analysis, "the truth changes: watchtower july 15, 2013" comes from the "study" edition of that magazine.. it is still available at:
i have now used the text from the "simplified" edition, and it is available at:.
What JeffT said.
If Christ hasn't approved them yet, why should anyone listen to and obey them? How are they any different from any other self-appointed authority?
They don't have answers to those questions, I don't believe.
check out the new freeminds 2.0 currently at:.
so the old and new will be combined all in one site shortly at
i know this has been posted before anyhow i thought this a good title to post it under:.
woman molested by jehovah's witnesses member at age nine wins $28million in america's biggest religious sex abuse payout .
You've got it, metatron.
Which makes me wonder just how they're going to spin an answer to those who ask the inevitable question: since you have not yet been appointed over all his belongings, why exactly should anyone listen to you? (I haven't read the entire July WT, only excerpts, so maybe they addressed this already.)